Use a microfiber cloth to apply the oil to the barrel of your shotgun, making sure to remove all fingerprints, as the oil on your hands...
If you are planning on traveling with your firearm through an airport it is essential to know the rules. You may transport unloaded firearms in...
Once your barrel and bolt are clean it’s time to move onto oil. Start by replacing the jag on your cleaning rod with...
Once the cylinder is separated from the revolver, you can begin cleaning. Start with the barrel, as this is where most...
From time to time, we need to ship a firearm. Whether it is because we are traveling to hunt and the cost of shipping is less than the airline’s extra bag fee..
A responsible gun owner needs to put some thought into achieving some level of proficiency with a firearm. Handguns are the most difficult firearms to master...
A person previously opposed to firearm ownership may see the draw of personal defense in these times. Here are some tips for new gun owners to get started....
One overlooked aspect of firearms practice is the target. I can’t tell you how often I go to the range to see a motley assortment of pallets, cardboard boxes...
There are few more gratifying events in life than watching your kids learn, grow, and excel at a new skill. Introducing your child to shooting is no different.
Here's a look at the benefits and drawbacks of some various tools used for home defense & talking about some general techniques to keep you safer at home ...