Your dog’s nose can be a great asset for finding birds, but you’ll have even greater success if you do a little research before you head out on opening day.
Being out in the field can pose certain risks, so it’s your responsibility to make sure your dog has the proper training and care to keep it healthy and safe.
However, not only did Batchelor win top-of-the-line gear, but he also got the opportunity to fly out to Utah for a guided mule deer hunt on private land.
Scott Archery carries a wide selection of wrist release options to fit any hunter or archer’s needs.
Archery hunting is in full swing, which means it’s a good time to check your broadheads and see what needs to be replaced or upgraded...
According to Luke, the best part of the trip was being able to see country that he’d never visited before. The hills, woods, and...
In order to know which treestand will fit your needs best, you need to think about the area you are hunting, and how you plan to hunt it.
Contestants were all hopeful to out-bugle, out-bark, and all around out-call every other participant for a chance to win one of the championship cash prizes.
People often think that heavier poundage means better penetration. However, in order to perform and shoot well you have to shoot comfortably.
When McCoy is preparing for a hunt (which is often), he tries to shoot at least three arrows a day. If the hunt is a little ways off, he still shoots...