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Getting precision from your rifle cartridges requires starting with the right case length. A consistent case length will affect bullet depth, crimp, chamber pressure, and proper engagement of the bullet with the rifling in your chamber. The Hornady Cam-Lock Case trimmer uses a cast iron frame with adjustable case holder and a cam lever to quickly swap out cases. This system gives precision cut cases with fast case swaps for consistent case lengths every time. It comes with a set of pilot guides to ensure a wide variety of calibers can be prepared in this trimmer.
RCBS Flash Hole Deburring Tool
Getting a consistent ignition from your primer can be impeded by burrs around the flash hole inside the case. The RCBS Flash Hole Deburring Tool features a comfortable rubberized handle with a long shaft topped by a hardened deburring point to reach down inside the case and quickly remove these bits of shaved brass that can impede consistent ignition.
Hornady Bullet Comparator and Inserts
To get a truly accurate measurement of cartridge overall length (OAL) you need to use a good caliper and make sure you are measuring the bullet in the same exact spot each and every time. The Bullet Comparator from Hornady attaches to your caliper blade and acts as a cup, ensuring proper placement for every round measured. Different inserts for various calibers ensure that you will get a consistent reading every time.
Hornady One Shot Gun Cleaner and Dry Lube
Every set of new dies comes coated in a packing grease that can become sticky over time. Before starting to use these dies, they need to be properly cleaned. Hornady One Shot Gun Cleaner and Dry Lube uses a proprietary DynaGlide formula to remove this packing grease and provide a clean, non-gummy dry lubricant. It can be used on guns, dies, and other reloading equipment as a maintenance product to keep your press running clean and prevent build-up of brass, powder, case lube, and other components. Just give your parts a quick spray, and wipe them down to keep your press running smoothly.
Lee Precision Factory Crimp Die
Handloading bullet seating and crimp dies use a roll crimp to lock the bullet in place. Achieving a proper crimp with this method is hit or miss if you don’t trim your cases to all be the exact same length. It is even more difficult to achieve a good crimp on rifle bullets that don’t have a groove cut around their diameter. Bullets lacking this ogive can be set back upon chambering and develop inconsistent chamber pressure, affecting accuracy. The Lee Precision Factory Crimp Die places a consistent taper crimp all around the bullet the same way that major ammo manufacturers do, to get a precise, even crimp on all kinds of rifle bullets. It is an extra step in the reloading process, but one that will provide tremendous improvement in accuracy and consistency.
RCBS Trim Mate Case Prep Center
Proper case preparation leads to more consistent completed cartridges and fewer problems in the loading process. The RCBS Trim Mate Case Prep Center features a motorized base with five rotating stations and a variety of tools that will deburr primer pockets, remove military primer pocket crimps, chamfer the inside and outside of the case mouth, clean primer pockets and much more, depending upon the tools or brushes you screw into the threaded rotating stations. Two additional stationary threaded stations on the upper portion will hold unused tools or can be used to manually brush the inside of the case neck with long case brushes. A cup is in place to hold dry case lube for dipping.
Hornady OAL Gauges and Modified Shell Casing
Finding the proper overall length for your cartridges is dependent on getting an accurate measurement of where the bullet engages the rifling in your chamber. Using one of the Hornady OAL gauges and modified shell casings will give you the perfect length to set your reloading dies. A curved gauge is used to measure the chamber in lever action and semi-auto rifles and other guns that don’t have a removable bolt. The straight gauge is used for bolt action rifles. Using this measurement will increase accuracy in your hand loads.
RCBS Chargemaster Combo
For getting ultra-precise powder measurements, the RCBS Chargemaster 1500 Scale and the Chargemaster Powder Dispenser merge into a single unit. Program in the weight of the powder you would like dispensed and hit the dispense button. A load of powder will be dumped out and then trickle until the exact amount desired is dispensed. No more fussing with a manual powder trickler, and re-dumping powder because you overshot the mark. Get a perfect charge each and every time. A powder dump chute on the side makes it easy to quickly remove excess powder from the hopper for changeover to a new powder. Comes with brass calibration weights and a clear plastic cover that protects the scale from the influence of a breeze.
Hornady Lock-N-Load Classic Reloading Kit
For those thinking of getting into reloading, this complete kit has just about everything a new reloader will need. It includes the Hornady Lock-N-Load Classic single stage press, reloading handbook, digital scale, powder drop, hand priming tool, powder trickler, loading tray, One Shot Case Lube, Lock-N-Load bushings, funnel, and everything but calipers, shell holders, dies, and reloading components to get someone started on rolling their own ammo.
Hornady Lock-N-Load Ammo Plant
For those looking to make the jump from a single stage press to progressive, the Ammo Plant from Hornady provides everything you need to take your reloading to the next level. A heavy-duty five stage press with auto-indexing lets you spit out a completed metallic cartridge with every pull of the handle. Powered bullet and case feeding hoppers set up your press so that all you need to do is keep it filled and keep pulling the handle. It is like a slot machine that pays out with every pull. For even more productivity, add the Deluxe Control Panel to monitor powder level, primers, and a powder cop to stop the press and notify you if there is a double charge. The control panel also features a stick-on light strip and a counter. Sensors easily connect to different stages of the press and give you auditory feedback if something goes wrong.
RCBS Rotary Case/Media Separator
If you do choose to use a media separator, the Rotary Case Media Seprator from RCBS is a beast. It will handle a full load from your tumbler and spin out the media in no time at all with just a few turns of the crank. The media and cases are loaded into the black center chamber, the outer clamshell is closed, and the handle is spun a few times to fling out the media. The used media drops into the bottom chamber where it can be easily poured back into the tumbler or into a storage container for re-use. The base of the separator is rounded to fit inside a five-gallon bucket to place it at a more convenient height without taking up valuable counter space.
Lyman Turbo Pro 1200 Case Tumbler
Shiny cleaned brass gets stuck less, reloads faster, and feeds in your gun more consistently. Of all of the case tumblers I have tried, the Turbo Pro 1200 is hands down the most robust. It can handle large loads of heavy brass, and even a variety of media, including heavy stainless steel that bogs down lesser tumblers. Its heavy duty motor and large hopper let it power through extra-large loads of brass and it will run for hours without overheating or wearing out. I can’t even count how many tens of thousands of cases I have prepped in my Turbo Pro 1200. With a high rate of vibration, and beefed up suspension, it won’t walk off the counter on you. The 10-inch bowl will hold up to 350 .38 Special cases and media at one time. A sifter lid makes media and brass separation a snap without an additional media separator.
RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Press
The Rock Chucker Supreme press has been lengthened to allow easy loading of today’s longer cartridge designs. With easy operation, ambidextrous handle, outstanding strength and versatility, the Rock Chucker Supreme is ideal for beginners and pros alike. The RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme press is designed to last a lifetime. The Rock Chucker Supreme is packed full of useful features that every reloader will find handy.
Stack-On Professional Steel Workbench
A good reloading setup is only as good as the bench you mount your press on. In reloading, there are a lot of little parts and components to keep track of, as well as tools. The Professional Workbench from Stack-On gives you a steel clad MDF work surface to mount your press on, as well as plenty of storage and organization. Two pull out drawers, as well as ample compartments for larger items or powder and dies will help contain and organize your equipment. A peg board backer will let you easily organize tools where you can quickly find them. Its solid steel frame will give you a stable mounting base with minimal bounce as you actuate the arm of your press. Over 1,200 square inches of workspace provides you with ample room to spread out your reloading process, and a convenient top shelf above the peg board gives you even more options for storage and organization.