January 2019

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Don’t let the cold keep you inside all winter, there’s plenty to do out there! Fresh air and exercise is important any time of year, but all too often we ...

Hunting Camping Fishing
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We've all been there before, the camping trip where you didn't bring something comfortable to sleep on. At first lying on the ground doesn't seem so bad, but...

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Some quick links we've put together to help you stay warm when you're enjoying the outdoors in cold weather.

Camping Clothing
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No matter what you plan on doing outdoors, it’s important to dress properly. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need the most expensive stuff with the biggest...

Camping Clothing Fishing Hunting
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Your friends and family are concerned about you, because you keep saying that winter camping actually sounds like fun.

Camping Sportsman's Own
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Alexandria, VA – January 2, 2019 – The recreational fishing and boating community is celebrating the enactment of the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries ...

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I’ve gone on a major hunting trip every autumn for nearly the last 20 years. The adventures are a means of recharging my batteries prior to the long, cold, ...

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Professional anglers have a way of complicating fishing. We create and name nuances so we can verbalize them, split hairs for the sake of defining minute ...

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Check out the latest ice fishing gear to get the most out of your next trip!

Fishing Clothing
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It’s the tension, three-toed tracks by the waterhole and a bird hidden in the bunchgrass. It’s the ache you feel in your muscles...

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On average, between 800 and 1,500 people die each year in the United States from hypothermia, a condition of the core temperature of the body reaching a ...

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Biologists monitoring the California Big Horn Sheep herd on Antelope Island have discovered that the herd is infected with a respiratory disease. Biologists ...

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I’ll have to admit – I really love the outdoors. Whether it’s grabbin’ my golf clubs and heading to my local course, packing my fly rod for a trip to Alaska ...

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Alaska has been described in many ways over the years, with ‘The Last Frontier’, ‘Land of the Midnight Sun’ and ‘An Outdoorsman’s Paradise’ just a few of its...
