Commissioned by the U.S. Army, John M. Browning designed the original Browning Automatic Rifle in just three months. Variants of this legendary military arm ...
By Dan Kidder
Managing Editor
Anyone who owns the Ruger Mark I, II or III knows that it is an amazingly accurate precision machine. My ...
Join the Single Action Shooters Society to explore family history and tune up shooting skills in the off-season.
By Gary Lewis
A ...
By Dan Kidder
Managing Editor
When the winter months cut into my range time, there are two activities that keep me occupied on snowy ...
It's 9-1-1 For Your Gun
Hoppe’s, the best-known name in gun care products, releases a new state-of-the-art formula called Gun Medic to help ...
Hornady Cam-Lock Case Trimmer
Getting precision from your rifle cartridges requires starting with the right case length. A consistent case length will ...
By Dan Kidder
Managing Editor
Typically, our Pro’s Pick column is a specific product. This month, we will be focusing on the Lock-N-...
For those who roll their own ammo, there are two distinct methods of reloading; precision and mass production. While everyone would love to have a mass ...
Among the names in the hunting and shooting sports business, none have a better reputation than Browning. While best known for building high quality, ...
Why we use DoubleTap Ammunition on all our hunts.